White House Walkby

No trip to Washington, D.C. is complete without a photo op in front of the White House! You’ve seen them, almost everyone who visits Washington, D.C. takes a picture in front of this fabled structure where our nation is set apart from the rest. It is almost unacceptable if you come back without one of these souvenir selfies! The site for the famous residence was chosen by whom other than George Washington. It wasn’t finished however until eight years later when John Adams and his wife Abigail became the very first, first family to live in the White House. Every President since John Adams has lived in the White House, and the history that is contained there is staggering. Having survived the countless renovations, remodeling, even attacks by British troops, the White House still stands tall and proud, posing for our every photo; each one looking more majestic than the last. Imagine the presidents that used to look at that very same building as home! When you take a photo in front of the White House, you are capturing a piece of history with the touch of a finger. By visiting the White House, you will get the chance to see just how foolproof the security really is, as well as how well kept the exterior of the extravagant house is. Who knows? You might even get to see the President walk out onto the lawn! Imagine your loved one’s faces many years from now when you still have that picture of the White House and you!