Lincoln Memorial

Abraham Lincoln is 19 feet tall in the statue of the famous president, seated in the Lincoln Memorial; the most famous and most familiar of all the presidential memorials in Washington, D.C. The Lincoln Memorial is something everyone who’s seen the back of a five dollar bill knows, but no picture can fully equate to what it’s like to be there. The memorial is filled with history and helps to remind us of our determination to stay whole as a country. As our nation faced and survived a civil war, Abraham Lincoln would guide and navigate us through the hard times with speeches that helped to shape our country, and phrases that continue to resonate through the air. Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address and the famous Gettysburg Address are both inscribed in this beautiful memorial, where his posture alone points to the Age of Enlightenment and Reason, which is something to be pointed out during educational tours. The atmosphere is generally a quiet one as visitors respect the intent of inspiring reflection in others, however, it is also used as a place for mass gatherings, marches, and great speeches. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered the most famous of these with his, “I have a Dream” speech delivered to thousands of civil rights activists marching through Washington. The place he stood now holds an inscription dedicated to him as well. The Lincoln Memorial is a must for Washington, D.C. group tours. It’s a part of the city visitors find comfortingly familiar and a memorial that never ceases to impress and inspire. Beautiful by day or illuminated at night, the Lincoln Memorial is an unforgettable experience.