National Museum of Crime and Punishment

The National Museum of Crime and Punishment is an astonishing museum that has something for everyone! The museum has many interactive learning experiences, forensic science workshops (taught by real forensic scientists!), and temporary exhibits that are sure to catch your eye! Some of the past exhibits have included; Crimes against Marine Life; The U.S. Marshal Service; and Lincoln Assassination, Mary Surratt. This is a true educational experience that is sure to thrill any student group. Your group can even participate in the same Firearms Training and Police Driving Simulators training police officers use. Don’t miss your chance to see equal representation of both the crime and the punishment in this amazing museum that provides insight and memories for all visitors. Your group travel tour will get the opportunity to view the history of American crime, the fight against it, crime scene investigation, and of course the convictions for such crimes. There is even an exhibit specifically designed for crimes in the black market! In this exhibit, your group will be shown different interactive techniques on how to determine if something is counterfeit or not. These activities show what happens when you play a counterfeit video game, test the quality of fabric, and show the dangers of counterfeit items. This museum fits guests of all ages with memorable insight that is sure to stick to anyone’s mind. Don’t miss an amazing chance to see America’s history in a whole new way. Your group will not want to miss this captivating experience that shows America’s fight for justice amongst the people!